Mum Festival Art Show – Best of Show – KBS Division / Children

It is wise to spend some time perfecting one’s craft.

Kyla Misasi, aged 12,  is a rising star at the Kristy Bishop Studio. At our 24th Annual Art Show at the Dutch Ale House in May 2014, Kyla won her first “Award of Excellence” trophy for a watercolor entitled “Springtime” from art judge: Carol Davis. At the Mum Festival Art Show, she garnered ” Best of Show”  for her drawing of a baby fawn from art judges: Nancy Campbell and Angela Gaffney-Smith.

Kyla joined our studio in 2013 and will be continuing through June 2015 for her second 10-month course. Her favorite medium is pastel and she will be continuing her study of it after an oil painting (water-soluble) is finished. She will be using the finest grade of pastel and sanded paper that professionals use.

It takes confidence to move forward in any medium and Kyla is gaining in this department. She knows what she likes and she asks for it. Congratulations, Kyla!