Painting at the Park

“You will know by your happiness,” Mother Teresa was told when she asked the question of what, where, why and when concerning her major decisions in life. Profound joy of the heart is like a magnet in finding our “calling” or the right path for us to take.

We all have fleeting joy over certain aspects of our lives, but the enduring type of real joy will stay with us when we are doing something very worthwhile and purposeful. This is how I feel about teaching art at KBS, whether we are indoor or outdoor.

The children, (L-R) Stella Kamrass, aged 8, Cassidi Vedder, 9 and Sage Fanelli, 10 enjoyed our outing to the park and the creation of their paintings (in progress) on pre-treated canvases with black gesso while I demonstrated “step-by-step” with acrylic paint. The Chrysanthemums were in full bloom – ready for the “Mum Festival” art show this Sunday, Oct. 5 – noon – 5 pm. Their vibrant colors beckon us to paint them, even though we will be displaying drawings at the show (weather permitting.)

Painting “en plein-air” is a discipline that requires focus and adherence to the general rules of painting .  On that hot afternoon, the girls experienced a light shower from the sprinkler system during a break from the regimen.  Other times, they may play tag on the lawn. It is a balancing act to keep very young artists interested in the process of creation which is a journey…not a destination. Every step of the way needs to be fun!

Refreshment on a Hot Day in Art Class
Refreshment on a Hot Day in Art Class