Scenes from the 25th KBS Annual Show

The first Annual Art Show for the students of Kristy Bishop was held at the Saugerties Public Library, 91 Washington Avenue in June of 1991. We outgrew the space in 1996, when we moved the annual show to the Senior Center, corner of Market and Robinson Streets, Saugerties, NY. In it’s prime, over 200 people attended each year to see what over 60 students were producing at the Kristy Bishop Studio at 195 Main Street (which moved to 147 Market Street in February of 2014.) For the past three years, the Annual has been held at the Dutch Ale House, Gallery Space at 253 Main Street, Saugerties. These days, the roster of students is much less, but the enthusiasm is still present. We continually work to improve our skills (instructor included. ) Even though there are fewer annual students, 125 paintings are displayed every year and are hung salon style by the curator of the Dutch, Douglas Daniel Elliot.

"Autumn in the Valley" after Van Beek, 2015 Class Work by Patrick Buonfiglio
“Autumn in the Valley” after Van Beek, 2015 Class Work by Patrick Buonfiglio